Fees and Rebates

Individual Counselling Sessions (60 minutes)

Fee: $210

  • Medicare rebate (for clients who have a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan)- $96.65 rebate per session.

  • Rebates may also be available through your Private Health Provider.

Cognitive Assessment- Intellectual Disability

Ages 6+

  • Parent Intake Session (1 hour)

  • Child Intake Session/Observation

  • Cognitive Assessment (1.5-2 hours).

  • Parent and Teacher Adaptive Behaviour Questionnaires

  • Comprehensive written report with recommendations for school and home.

  • Feedback of results (1 hour)

    Total cost= $1050

Cognitive Assessment- Intellectual Giftedness

Ages 6+

  • Parent Intake Session (1 hour)

  • Cognitive Assessment (1.5-2 hours)

  • Educational Assessment (1.5-2 hours)

  • Comprehensive written report with recommendations for school and home.

  • Feedback of results (1 hour)

    Total cost= $1470

    Educational Assessment- Reading only

    (Dyslexia Assessment)

    Ages 6+

  • Parent Intake Session (1 hour)

  • Cognitive Assessment (1.5-2 hours).

  • Functional Assessment of Reading (1.5-2 hours).

  • Comprehensive written report with recommendations for school and home.

  • Feedback of results (1 hour).

    Total cost= $1470

    Educational Assessment- Writing only

    (Dysgraphia Assessment)

    Ages 6+

  • Parent Intake Session (1 hour)

  • Cognitive Assessment (1.5-2 hours).

  • Functional Assessment of Written Expression (2 hours).

  • Comprehensive written report with recommendations for school and home.

  • Feedback of results (1 hour).

    Total cost= $1470

    Educational Assessment- Reading and Writing

    (Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Assessment)

    Ages 6+

  • Parent Intake Session (1 hour)

  • Cognitive Assessment (1.5-2 hours).

  • Functional Assessment of Reading (1.5-2 hours)

  • Functional Assessment of Written Expression (2 hours).

  • Comprehensive written report with recommendations for school and home.

  • Feedback of results (1 hour).

    Total cost= $1890

    Educational Assessment- Numeracy only

    (Dyscalculia Assessment)

    Ages 6+

  • Parent Intake Session (1 hour)

  • Cognitive Assessment (1.5-2 hours).

  • Functional Assessment of Numeracy (1.5-2 hours).

  • Comprehensive written report with recommendations for school and home.

  • Feedback of results (1 hour).

    Total cost= $1470

    Full Educational Assessment- Reading, Writing and Mathematics

    (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia Assessment)

    Ages 6+

  • Parent Intake Session (1 hour)

  • Cognitive Assessment (1.5-2 hours).

  • Functional Assessment of Reading (1.5-2 hours)

  • Functional Assessment of Written Expression (2 hours).

  • Functional Assessment of Numeracy (1.5-2 hours)

  • Comprehensive written report with recommendations for school and home.

  • Feedback of results (1 hour).

    Total cost= $2100

    Functional Review Assessment- Literacy or Numeracy

    Students in Year 10+

    Students with a pre-existing diagnosis of a Specific Learning Disorder (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia or Dyscalculia), will need an updated functional assessment from Year 10 later to apply for adjustments during their Year 11 and 12 ATAR examinations. An application is made by your child’s school to SCASA in early Term 1 of the year they first enrol in ATAR courses (usually Year 11).

    Steps include:

  • Parent and Child Intake session (1 hour)

  • Functional Assessment of Literacy or Numeracy (1-2 hours).

  • Written report with recommendations for accomodations.

    Total Cost= $630

    Behavioural Assessment

    Comprehensive Assessment of ADHD

    Adequately trained Psychologists can assess and diagnose Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, if criteria are met. Please note that psychologists cannot recommend or prescribe medication as a treatment option for ADHD, as this can only be assessed by a medical practitioner (such as a Paediatrician or Psychiatrist).

    Steps include:

  • Parent Intake session (1 hour)

  • Child Interview/Intake session (1 hour)

  • Cognitive assessment (1.5-2 hours)

  • Child, parent and teacher questionnaire (completed online)

  • Comprehensive written report with recommendations for school and home

  • Feedback of results (1 hour)

    Total Cost= $1365

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