Comprehensive Assessments

Assessments are recommended when concerns have persisted for some time, and are causing an impact on your child’s functioning academically, socially or emotionally. Assessments can provide clarity on the underlying causes of your child’s difficulties, which then paves the way for evidence-based recommendations and strategies for both school and home. All of this information will be summarised in a comprehensive report provided during a parent feedback session at the end of the assessment process.

If your child meets criteria for the condition being assessed, then the diagnosis will be stated on the report. This can enable your child to access special accomodations and support at school.

Occasionally, a child may not receive a formal diagnosis following an assessment, in the case that they do not meet all of the criteria. However, you will still receive a comprehensive report outlining causes of symptoms, strategies and recommendations to help your child flourish at school and home. Other avenues of assessment or intervention may be recommended if appropriate.

Assessment Services Offered at Peppermint Psychology:

  • Cognitive Assessment:

    • Intellectual Disability

    • Intellectual Giftedness

  • Educational Assessments

    • Assessment of Reading skills (reading comprehension and fluency).

    • Assessment of Writing skills (spelling, grammar/punctuation, clarity of written expression).

    • Assessment of Numeracy skills (number sense, arithmetic facts, calculation skills and mathematical reasoning)

  • Behavioural Assessments

    • Comprehensive Assessment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).